This company became extremely popular with film makers as they had the ability to creat what they called "the impossible" and that brought about a new standard for how good special effects needed to be. Star Trek II: The wrath of Khan became quite the buzz when it released its film that contained the first full scene completely created using CGI. Heres a trailer for that movie. Im not a Trek fan by the way, my heart beats in a different galaxy... far far away....
Whats even more awesome is that even though you havnt heard of this company, you actually have, you just know it by a different name. George Lucas sold his wonderful company to just some guy... by the name of Steve Jobs... that guy. You better know who Steve Jobs is. Jobs bought this company, improved it and named it PIXAR. now your starting to recognize this company. Pixars most famous work of art was the very first toy story. This movie became an absolute phenomenon and now is used every year to create animated films they bring in money and viewers galore. Later after Pixar started gaining some heavy popularity Steve sold it to Disney for an astronomical amount of dough. George Lucas has been kicking himself everyday for delling ILM for so cheap. Now Disney continues to use pixar and is responsible for the creation of countless animated films. Just though I'd share that with you. It truely is incredible to see how a company was created by a legend, purchased by a legend, and now owned by an even bigger legend within movie's history. Just to close this up here is a trailer for toy story, watch this and relive your childhood a little.... that is if you were of course born in the 90's like me.
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